Assessment Phase

Understanding your legacy system is the first step toward successful modernisation. In just a few weeks, we present a clear picture of your main legacy issues and outline the actions required to address these problems.

Takeover phases

The Assessment Phase builds on the scope previously defined in Legacy Systems Assessment, the foundation of our Legacy Systems Modernisation solution.

We survey your system from all aspects of software engineering, define expected service levels and document future deliverables. Finally, we draw up a full-service definition, which serves as your roadmap for the Transition Phase.

In our experience, the Assessment Phase typically results in 3 possible evaluations:

  • Low technical debt – system considered technically stable – Transition Phase can commence.
  • Medium technical debt – debt can be reduced with reasonable effort – Transition Phase can commence.
  • High technical debt – reducing debt likely to incur major costs – recommendation for a partial or complete redesign of the system – discussion regarding future steps advised.

Timeframe of the whole legacy system takeover process:

Assessment Business view IT view Agenda covered Business analysis Detailed use case Plan Improvements Release testing Hot fixes and change requests Architecture Source code Environments Documentation Full service definition System scope Transition phase Where we want to go What we have What we will do next

Activities and Deliverables

ActivityDeliverable (description)
System scopeDefinition of system scope including all components, versions and interfaces. Functional scope established in collaboration with system analysts; technical scope established in collaboration with system engineers.
Architecture revisionReview of system architecture & detection; description of potential problems, including mitigation recommendations.
Source code revisionReview of source code with focus on breach detection; application of Profinit best practices and software engineering industry standards.
Environment revisionReview status of known and potential problems with current environments including development, testing, integration and production.
Documentation revisionReview of all documentation focusing on the completeness, level of detail and updating information.
Full service definitionThe expected level of services is defined according to client priorities and plans.
ImprovementsList of recommended improvements with scope definition. Upgrades needed to achieve full service prioritised in agreement with the client.
Transition phase planPlan for the Transition Phase defined in agreement with the client, including necessary hotfixes and change requests to be implemented and delivered in the Transition Phase.
Test releaseTest release executed in the system test environment (to be specified) to ensure delivery of hotfixes and small change requests in the next phase. Note: this is a pre-production test only.
Hotfixes and change requestsAll hotfixes and change requests to be delivered in the Transition Phase in agreement with the client.
Assessment reportA document summarising all assessment activities.


The effort needed for the Assessment Phase is specified based on the size of the system and the predicted Time & Material (T&M) model.

Expected Collaboration

The Assessment Phase depends on collaboration with the client, specifically team members with knowledge of the system; priority is given to defining system-based requirements.

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